Archive for the ‘Music’ Category


Posted: 06/06/2006 in Music

It is kinda cool when you suddenly remember you have a night out planned when you had forgotten all about it. Friday night sees us heading down to the Webster Hall to see KT Tunstall – yippee! A great way to start the weekend….roll on Friday.


Posted: 11/04/2005 in Music

Sometimes all you need is a night out (and a few drinks) to lift your spirits.

I was in two minds about going to tonight’s James Blunt James Blunt gig @ the Bowery Ballroom. Part of me wanted to head home and flop, the other part knew that if I did blow it off I’d end up guilting myself out about not getting enough school things done so I might as well hit the town. And aren’t I glad I went, even though I do feel that I am a bit old for general admission.

James Blunt is not as slick with his patter as some of the more seasoned performers, but I am sure that will come with time, and to be honest it made a nice change. Simply put he is delicious. It was cute the way he ignored the group of out of place teeny boppers who kept screaming “You’re hot” at him. And, he was typically British in his reserve, self depreciation and slight embarrassment. It was a real treat to see him live, a few new songs were throw into the set and he has an amazing set of pipes.

play, rewind, repeat

Posted: 07/22/2005 in Daily Grumbling, Music

I have had a long and bizarre week. Best laid plans were thrown out the window and I am so glad that it is Friday night. I have been abusing my ipod by only listening to the one album, over and over again. It is just such a kick arse album, and I have my mother (she of impeccable taste) to thank for bring James Blunt into the sound track of my chaos. I feel a minor gush coming on, but reading the blurb on his website and an interview, you can’t quite feel relieved that he is not another cookie-cutter-break-out-from -a-boy-band. Anyone who thanks Carrie Fisher on their CD sleeve and was hoodwinked by a university degree (a “proper” dinosaur never crossed my pants thru out my time at Manchester) has my vote. So I took it as a positive sign that when I went to get my morning Starbucks, unplugged myself to order and heard that they were playing one of his songs. So cool.

music pop quiz,

Posted: 02/17/2005 in Me Me Me, Music

by way of Daisy.

1. Total amount of music files on your computer:

7.30gb = complete music collection

2. The last CD you bought was:

I don’t tend to buy CD’s, more of an iTunes downloader, and the last one I bought was last Summer ‘Scissor Sisters’ debut.

3. What is the song you last listen to before reading this message:

Radio Song by R.E.M, listen to on my ipod on my way home last night.

4. Write down five songs that you listen to often or mean a lot to you:

*Dumb Things by Paul Kelly (my introduction to Australia music by way of the soundtrack of Young Einstein)

*It’s the End of the World by R.E. M (quick, witty and you end up breathless trying to keep up)

*Don’t Stand So Close To Be by Sting & The Police (I read Lolita because of it)

*In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel (John Cusack flashbacks)

*Englishman in New York by Sting & The Police (big fan of the late, non-dusting Quentin Crisp)

5. Who are you going to pass this stick to and why?

I wont pass it on but would be interested if the G.o.L has some thoughts, or anyone else.

What’s more exciting revising macroeconomics or dressing the tree and covering the flat with fairy lights???

A tough call. So it is probably quite understanding that I am now revising in Santa’s grotto, with a Chris Isaak Christmas playing in the background…. I find christmas trees very zen and hypnotic. As a safety measure I always get a real one, as I fear that if I got an artificial one I would never take it down.

cool bananas

Posted: 05/04/2004 in daily life, Music, technology
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Okay, I know nothing about software releases. Unless there is something that directly effects me (new buttons or colour scheme changes), they tend to pass me by….I can just see Alex nodding vigourously in agreement. Any way, what was my point…oh yes new ITunes – I am liking the party mix button 🙂

Update – the party mix is still going strong and it is like having radio Flaming Zinc minus an annoying DJ….

10 over played songs on my ipod

Posted: 04/26/2004 in Music
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1. Four Minute Warning – Mark Owen
2. How You Remind Me – Nickelback
3. Never Again – Nickelback
4. Complicated – Avril Lavigne
5. Jay Walker – Mark Owen
6. Don’t Stand So Close To Me – Sting & the Police
7. Son of a Preacher Man – Dusty Springfield
8. Roxanne – Sting & the Police
9. Friday I’m in Love – The Cure
10. Suicide Blonder – INXS

Great gig last night, Paul Kelly was in top form and did a nice mix of old/new songs. The venue was small and rather hot by the end of the set. Many an antipodean audience but there were a few of us pommes 🙂 I keep trying to explain what type of music Paul Kelly plays and it’s hard to label it – I guess folk/rock is the closest. But that always gives me an imagine of ‘A Mighty Wind’! Which he definitely is not!

A capital episode of The Archers on Radio 4 yesterday – the evil Clive Horrobin breaking into George and Chris’s home and taking them hostage. We were left with Phil Archer saving the day, as he scared Clive away but Chris collapsed……..has the stress been too much for her?

I have a sore throat and the start of a cold, which I am putting down to all the talking I have had to do over the past when when registering with temping agencies and I am sure the germs came from – shock horror mixing with people. See, when I am left to my own solitary devices in the flat I don’t get sick!!!! Go, isolation!!!!

Sunday, saw the Aquila Theatre company’s version of ‘Agamemnon’. The staging and costumes were fab. But, I felt that the 3 leads (Clytaemnestra, Agamemnon and Cassandra) hammed it up so much that it was more of a comedy than tragedy. Cassandra came across as a distant cousin of Bubble from Ab Fab. The translation used was rather flat and simple, the poetry and imagery in the text was lost.

I felt the translation they used ‘dumb’ down the poetry and xxxxx.

Last night Alex and I saw John Williams conduct the NY Philharmonic in ‘The Art of Score’. It was truly magical – hearing and watching a live orchestra was such a treat. I am still bowled over by all the bows moving in sync 🙂

Off to feel sorry for myself and gargle with the left over Christmas sherry….