Archive for the ‘Sports’ Category

super bowl sunday

Posted: 02/05/2006 in Sports

I still don’t get American football and this year I noticed they were wearing gloves. Gloves, for pities sake! It is just not rugby and talking of rugby we beat the French!

Scottish Psychotic

Posted: 02/07/2005 in books, Sports

There was a very important sporting event at the weekend the Super Bowl start of Six Nations, though I am so old I remember when it was there was only five of them, and I headed off to the local Irish pub at some ungodly hour to watch it. And how was I rewarded for my diligence and loyalty – we lost against a very languid French side. It was going so well for the first half that I had to keep pinching myself. Then it all went pear shaped, with the weary Scots ending up one man down, the French started scoring and didn’t stop. Disaster.

I read two rather disturbing – yet brilliant – books over the past week, The Good Doctor and American Psycho. The former is an exceptional work, and should have won all the awards it was nominated for (like the Scots he was robbed). Set in a desolate hospital in the South African homelands, an idealistic young doctor joins the dwindling team that is manning this outpost. The new comer ruffles feathers of the staff and is just too full of good ideas. You know something is going to go very wrong and Galgut’s use of prose is so sparse that it adds to the suspense. The latter, well I don’t know where to start, some novels make you want to linger and delay finishing – not this one. It is a seminal piece of literature, but I felt that I needed to shower afterwards and cleanse myself by reading something innocent like an Enid Bylton.